Leanne de Bassompierre
Jul 25, 20163 min read
Can I live out of a backpack for 10 months?
A childhood friend has just spent two weeks in China with her husband and two children. When we caught up over the weekend to share tips...
Leanne de Bassompierre
Jul 21, 20162 min read
Running BRICS, starting in Knysna
I started running in Mexico City four months after giving birth to my younger son, who is now nearly five years old. Friends I'd met at a...
Guillaume de Bassompierre
Jul 9, 20164 min read
Emile points me to Kriel
A few weeks back, on Youth Day, Leanne wrote a very moving article. We had just attended the premiere of a documentary on the life and...
Leanne de Bassompierre
Jul 4, 20161 min read
Mom, I know how to say hello in Mandarin
School's out for the boys and preparations for the trip are in full swing. To get the boys excited about it we've been reading loads of...